

申请德国探亲访友签证,需要填写两份申请表,一份是德文,一份是英文的。 下面是英文表格的样本(以B1类为例) URL 这里可以下载到德国使馆规定的全部格式表格以及说明文件: (以B1类为例)URL B1、B2和C三种类型中,B1是最容易申请的,但是不能待够7天;而B2则可以长期逗留(90天内累计不得超过180天),并且可以去多个城市参观游览;C类的签证只适用于商务目的,而且必须由公司出面办理,同时还要有当地政府的担保函。

个人认为,对于大部分第一次申请赴德的申请人来说,选择B1类别是比较合适的;至于那些对德国情有独钟的朋友,可以在准备好材料后向所在领区的使馆咨询其他两类签证的申请事宜。 下面按照表单顺序分别讲解一下表格应该如何填写。由于篇幅的原因,很多细节性的东西就不在这里一一赘述了。

1. Form A: Personal data of the applicant This form is required for all types except C, and it can be downloaded here at page three as an MS-Word document from which you can then print out a blank version ready to fill in yourself. In this section you will need to provide details such as name, address, marital status etc. Note that if there are any gaps between your given dates of birth or current date of arrival into Germany they must be explained! Also note where it says “Please explain any discrepancy” under ‘Place/date of birth’! It's always best to just get these details right in advance rather than being surprised by questions afterwards like I was… Once complete, make sure you sign this document along with every other one! If you have children with you on holiday, don't forget to include their names too – but remember the law does not allow for minors to have separate visas. They cannot travel alone unless accompanied by parents who hold a valid visa! The same goes for adults who want to travel together, even if they are in a same-sex relationship: each has to apply separately for a visa. For more information about travelling with children see our article Travelling with Children.

2. Form E: Financial means This applies only to applicants in class B,and is also available free as a PDF file here. Please download it before you start filling it in! There are two sections, one covering the financial situation up until six months ago, and another relating to the next half year. If you wish to apply for a multi-entry Schengen Visa, both parts should cover exactly the same period: June 1st last year through May 31st of this year. Section one asks you to provide documents showing how much money you earn now and how many times over your salary would be your total annual net income including taxes paid at source plus social security contributions. You should attach proof of savings and pension payments


我办的是探亲访友,所以只写了表格的德文和英文翻译。 有用中文写的,也有用日文写的。 不过要是你语言不够好还是最好别用日文或者韩语写,虽然可以,但是会给你造成不必要的麻烦(比如我是用韩语写得) 我个人感觉最好还是用德语或英语来填写 因为这两种是最通用的两种语言嘛~ 而且我也看到有申请过美国的人是用英语写的。

至于怎么填的问题其实很简单的哦!只要多看看就会知道啦!实在怕的话就去网上搜一下就好勒~~ 希望有帮助呢^^
