我也在考虑这个问题,楼上的回答已经比较全了. 如果要准备入境的话可以看看这个网站,里面有详细的步骤 Visa 101: What to do if I am travelling on a valid visa but want to enter Australia differently or be in the country for longer than my visa allows? 这个是关于你说的这种情况的。
另外如果要去移民局验证你的签证的有效性你可以上这个网站查询地址: Immigration check your details (ICA) Checking your immigration details is an online service provided by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, which checks whether you have any outstanding immigration matters with them. It will tell you what actions are required based on their findings. The checking system provides: confirmation that Australian visas have not been issued and/or entry denied; advice about non-stamp overstay; advising that a matter has been closed, for example as a result of a successful application for settlement ; and information regarding an unpaid duty visa charge, where applicable. You can also use this site to apply for further leave to remain. This is useful when the decision maker is unable to locate records related to your matter——for example because it was made before electronic records were kept—and is therefore unable to determine whether there are any outstanding issues relating to your immigration status. When using the website, you must provide certain personal information including name、 date of birth和 immigration file number. Your details may then be compared against data held by the department。
在checking details之前需要输入你的immi number(就是贴在护照上的号码), 在check之后会告诉你是否还要做什么