

建议楼主看一下大使馆公布的签证指南,因为每个国家大使馆对衣着的要求都不尽相同~ 以下是我在办理加拿大签证时使馆网站上列出的着装要求: Please note that all applicants for a tourist, business or student visa must wear appropriate non-criminal clothing. This means no gang colours, tracksuit or baggy clothes and nothing with offensive slogans on it as this may be deemed to compromise your integrity in some way. We suggest you check the information under Travel Documents and Checklist prior to attending an appointment at Visa Office (for details see: URL/tio).

To comply with these standards please wear: Suitable, clean casual clothes of neutral colour; not sportswear;

No band t-shirts, football shirts, hoodies etc.; any gang logos or items should also be avoided if possible due to their association with criminal organisations

Business people travelling to Canada can wear more formal attire but will always need to ensure they are wearing appropriate, non-offensive clothing. Please read through our Business Traveller section for advice before making travel arrangements: http://vfsglobal.ca/canada/china/travel_business_tourist.html

It is important for anyone attending a visa interview to look presentable so we would encourage you to bring something which meets above requirements, rather than going out specifically to buy new clothes when perhaps time is limited


美国:URL /en/consularinformation/visit.htm UK: http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/info16792.pdf Australia :http://visas.homeaffairs.gov.au/Informationforapplicants?page=0,45#clothing


来日本办理留学签,建议穿的简单整洁就好啦 不要穿得花里胡哨的,颜色也不要过于抢眼的!因为日本人是比较内敛的 而且日本人也比较内向,不爱说话,所以你的着装太显眼的话会让他们觉得害羞或者不知道怎么和你交流 我当时就是穿的普通T恤加牛仔裤办的留学签(其实我也觉得自己好丑啊……) 在留资格到手后,我们学校组织我们坐大巴直接到入管局交材料,在大巴上老师和我们说在留资格已经批下来了,恭喜大家,大家都笑的很开心呢…
