Iras是新加坡的公积金(中央公积金和强制性储蓄计划),不是银行。 Irak is for your savings. It can be used to buy a home, pay your children's school fees or provide you with an income in retirement. You can withdraw from it or take out a loan, just as you would do with any other fund。 但如果你要取出这笔钱的话,你只能用来购买房产、支付子女的学费或者在你退休后提供给你作为收入。你可以提取或是贷款,就像你使用任何其他基金那样。 With IRAS you have 5 choices on how to access funds for your life’s milestones: 有了IRAS,你就能够自由支配你的人生重大里程碑所需资金了——你可以选择以下方式中的任意一种: Buying a home 买房 Taking a loan 贷款 Setting up your own business 创业 Spending money on your children’s education 子女教育 Treating yourself to that luxury item you’ve always wanted 为那个一直等着你的大件商品买单 You can also use the same account to save towards meeting these goals and many more. 你也能够使用同一个账户来积攒实现这些目标的资金以及其他目标所需的资金。