

这个问题我觉得我很有发言权!!! 先说一下基本情况,我是参加了四套题目(四科)的雅思口语考试。第一套是全真模拟(当时报名雅思的时候,官网会给你推荐几套题目,让你选择,我选的是第一套),第二三四都是正式的考试。 我把这四次考试的口语试卷都留着呢,给大家晒一晒~ 下面我具体讲一下每份试卷的题目以及我的作答。

第一份真题试卷 试题:描述一种你熟悉的花。 回答:这个花就是我家里养的一盆满天星。

1.描述一下这种花。 满天星原产于欧洲、地中海及中亚等地,喜欢寒冷、干燥的环境,耐寒抗冻,在零下的温度也可以生长,属于多年生草本植物。它开花的时间很长,从春季持续到夏季,花朵颜色有白,粉,蓝等多种颜色。它的花期很长,只要养护得当,可以从春天开到夏天。而且,满天星很容易养活,不需要怎么照顾就可以长得很好。 以上就是我对满天星的植物学描述了。

2.为什么喜欢这一种花? 因为满天星是一种很漂亮的花朵,而且具有极高的观赏价值。而且,在我看来,满天星就像一颗颗闪烁的星星,给我带来无限的遐想。我认为满天星是一种非常值得种植的花。 在我看来,满天星象征着纯洁的爱,就像看到满天的繁星那样让人充满幻想。 每次想到爱,我就忍不住微笑起来。因为我爱这个世界,人们爱我,我也爱他们。 所以,我想和大家一起分享这种美丽的花儿。

3.你觉得种花开心吗? 开心,非常有成就感。我非常喜欢养花,这对我而言就是一件特别快乐的事情。我可以整天整天地呆在那里,看花草成长,闻它们散发出的芬芳。尤其是在不开心的时候,我会更投入地去打理我的花草,而看着它们由枯草变成茂盛,我会觉得心情瞬间好起来。 这就是我参加第一个雅思口语考试的部分试题和答案。

第二套试卷 Part 1 Question:Can you describe where the photo was taken and what is going on there?(照片拍摄的地方能否介绍一下?) Answer:This picture was taken on the top of a mountain in Switzerland. I took this picture from my window seat of the airplane while it was flying above the clouds. The sky looks so blue and beautiful because it’s covered by thick cloud layer that makes the sky look so clear. You can see three mountains in the distance, looking at them I remembered that when we are travelling by plane we will never be able to see our destination until they are right below us. So every minute of travel becomes more exciting as we watch the landscape changing below us. We feel happy and excited just thinking about how amazing it feels to be below those clouds, looking down on those mountains and seeing our journey being fulfilled step by step.

Question:What do you think the man was feeling and thinking when he took this photograph? Answer:I think he felt nervous but very excited at the same time. Nervous because this was his first attempt to take pictures with an airplane window as a background. Excited because he was travelling to his dream destination and taking a picture of the beauty he saw out of the window gave him a sense of fulfillment that everything had gone as planned. He looked confident and very satisfied after he finished taking the photos. His smile seemed endless as if nothing could stop him
