


先摆成绩 第一次考 IETL S 6.0 P1 P2 一般般 5-5.5分第二次考 IELTS S6 P1 P2 6-6.5第三次考 IELTS S6 P1 (没说话) P2 6第四次考 IELTS S8 P1 P2 7+我总结了一下自己每次考试成绩,发现P2都是决定分数高低的关键。因为P2时间最长,问题最多,而且问的问题都很个性化,所以很容易踩坑。但是P2又是最容易准备的,下面我会详细说说。先说P1,这是我所有考试里分数最高的一次,居然有6.5,真是出乎我的意料。

P1主要是问些个人信息和个人经历,只要回答充分,逻辑清晰,一般是不会有太大的问题的。但是我注意到很多人在这里容易踩坑,尤其是国内考生,往往一见到外国人就特别紧张,然后说话结巴,不知道说什么好。这样就很容易给考官留下不好的印象。其实P1就是一个熟悉环境的过程,放轻松。可以准备一下自我介绍和问答环节的问题,但是回答时候尽量自然,随意点。我准备了这些问题并熟练背了下来。但在考试中并没有用到。 Part1 Questions:

Q:What’s you favourite subject at school?A:History was my favorite course in school because it is all about the stories of human civilization and development. Q:Do you like history?A:Yes,I do. In fact,history is one of my favorite subjects. And now as a university student,my major is also related to history —— international relations. Q:Is there any event that has changed your opinion on something or someone?A:Well,there are lots of events that have changed my opinions,but if I were to name one,it would be the September 11,2001 attacks. Before 9/11,I wasn't very interested in politics but after this tragic event,I started paying closer attention to global news and current affairs so as to prevent such incidents from occurring again.
