在10月份之前,我的面签历史是零。 现在已经是三次了…… 我也不知道这算不算多。 第一次是在9月中旬,那时候还没有开始更新DS-160表格上的信息。 然后10月初去广州签了,签证官给我看了我的成绩单和毕业证,然后问了我一些基本的问题就给我通过了(微笑) 第二次是12月底在广州签的,这次签证官看了一下我的新成绩单和新毕业证,问了几个简单的问题,然后就给了我通过。
不过那次签证官给我的印象非常深刻…… 因为我是跟团去的,而且我们是那种旅游团的尾队,就是那个别人都走了我们还在排队的那种。。。当时我在队伍后面排了好久,感觉前面的人都没几个通过的,所以等到轮到我就特别紧张,结果签证官还问我“你是不是等很久了”、 “你是第几个面试的?”(我当时内心os:你眼睛那么尖怎么没看到后面的那些人都在排队啊!) 于是乎我就更加地慌了。 然后他拿过我的DS-160表看了看,又看看了我的护照和我学校信头纸印着的地址,就让我签名通过了。
第三次是3月4号在西安签的,这个签证官真的让我见识到什么叫做严格的签证官!! 因为这次是自由行嘛,所以没有跟团。 我提前一天到的西安,第二天一大早就去了大使馆那边排队。 到下午1点多的时候轮到我了…… 然后一进去就被一个女签证官各种刁难...(以下是我和签证官的对话) me: Hello, please have a good day. visa officer: Why do you want to go to the U.S.A?me: I am looking for some educational opportunities and would like to see my family as well.visa officer : Do you know that if you are going there on your own, it will be much more expensive? (what!她竟然说我自费旅行会很贵!可是明明自己旅游才是最划算的好吗!)
me: No , but I think I can get financial support from my parents because they live in one of those big cities. Visa officer: What is your father's job? Me: He is an architect. She looked up something on her computer and asked what kind of architecture he was interested in. Then she said, "It doesn't seem like such a high paying profession". (天啊,这是什么神仙签证官,说的好像自己很懂一样=_=) 接着我又拿出了自己的成绩和毕业证给她看,但是她只瞄了一眼就说:“You don’t need these things! We already saw them before at the time of the interview! You just come back here next month and we will update this information, OK?” So then I said okay and left.