

来写答案啦~ 最近收到了很多关于Linguistics PhD的问题,写这个回答主要就是为了解决大家对这个专业的疑问的(笑) 因为我自己的PhD是applied linguistics所以其实和theoretical linguistics差得比较远,但是我还是尽量挑一些我掌握的信息来写这个回答,希望大家多多指教。因为信息比较多,所以先放一个大纲 为了写这个回答我还特意去翻了学校给的handbook,但是语言学的phd实际上是没有单独的课程的(哭)不过我可以介绍一下我在UCL读MSc by research的时候所修读的一些课程(我2015年入学,那时候MSc by research还有两年制,现在改成了三年制,不知道是不是一样):

Introduction to Corpus Linguistics (60 credits)

Semantics and Pragmatics (40 credits)

Phonetics and Phonology (40 credits)

Syntax (40 credits)

Theory of Semantic Analysis (30 credits)

Advanced Topics in Syntax (30 credits)

Psycholinguistics (30 credits)

Language Acquisition (30 credits)

Research Methods (60 credits)

Quantitative Methods (30 credits)

Data Structures & Databases (30 credits)

Statistics for Language Sciences (30 credits)

General Linguistic Field Trip (unpaid)

Optional field trips/conferences

In addition to the courses above I also undertook a 7-day field trip to Germany where we visited various linguistic institutes including the Max Planck Institute. There were lectures from top researchers at these institutions, and they all had fascinating talks about their work. We also got to visit some old castles! It was great fun and I learnt so much from this short trip.

If you are considering UCL as one of your universities then let me know, I am happy to share more details with you and help answer any questions you might have!
