其实,澳大利亚的旅游/商务B1\B2签证,就是可以每年多次往返的(以入境次数为限)! 这是官方的说法: The Australian visa is a multiple entry, multi-purpose visa. This means that you are able to enter Australia more than once and for different purposes during the period of validity. For example, a single B1/B2 (tourist or business) visa allows holders to travel to and from Australia as many times as they want within its validity period, to take up any combination of tourism and business activities at their own discretion, stay in each visit no longer than 90 days and not change purpose during all stays. 翻译成中文是:“澳大利亚签证是多入出境、多用途签证”。 也就是说明,只要你拿了这个B1\B2签证进了澳大利亚,就可以一直在这个有效期内,想进几次进几次,每次在澳停留不得超过90天(最多可延期三次,每次延期最多九个月;如果是在境外申请签证获签的,每次可在澳停留不超过12个月),并且可以在澳变更逗留目的一次或多次。
但是,需要注意的是,虽然这个签证是可以每年多次往返的(只要签证有效且你在有效期和停留期之内),但是如果每次都是在同一入境口岸入境的话,海关有权拒绝你入澳。所以,你的出入境记录就要尽量避开相同或相似的日期和时间了哦~ 我自己办理签证时遇到的移民官就曾经问我过这个问题,当时我正好有两次入境时间相同的经历,被她逮到了。还好我当时提前做了功课,把理由和她讲了好几条,这才侥幸过关呢^_^ 所以,楼主一定要注意自己的出入境时间和方式啊!