一、NCAA的排名 很多网站都可以查到NCAA的球队排名,以2016-2017赛季为例,圣母在太平洋十二校联盟排名第一,全国排名第3;二、球员实力 学校有5名球员身高超过6'8"(约等于2.03米),4名球员体重超过200磅(约等于90公斤),其中两名球员平均身高和体重都达到NBA的要求了。
这三项指标基本可以衡量一个篮球队在CBA或NBA的实力了,那圣母大学的球员到了这三个级别吗?答案是肯定的,我们来看看。 小前锋蒂姆·邓肯毕业与圣母大学,身高2.11米,体重113公斤,臂展2.24米,站立摸高2.65米,体能耐力出色,基本功扎实,防守能力出色,职业生涯拿到5个NBA总冠军,2次总决赛MVP,15次最佳阵容(2次一阵,3次二阵,4次三阵),2次全明星MVP; 大中锋格雷格·奥登身高2.13米,体重115公斤,臂展2.21米,站立摸高2.75米,体能充沛,进攻端能够里突外投,防守端盖帽突出,可惜因为伤病只打了40场比赛就淡出NBA;
大前锋约翰·亨利克斯身高2.03米,体重99公斤,臂展2.18米,站立摸高2.72米,运动能力强,投篮稳定,是典型的高炮台,本赛季NBA常规赛命中率高达66%;小前锋安德鲁·博格特身高2.03米,体重102公斤,臂展2.08米,站立摸高2.67米,运球娴熟,传球精准,擅长策应,能里能外,进攻端一手三分更是让他如虎添翼,是名副其实的攻防兼备; 中锋凯文·乐福身高2.08米,体重120公斤,臂展2.24米。站立摸高2.75米,力量强,对抗棒,篮板抢得凶,进攻端能里能外,尤其是一手稳定的中距离让人印象深刻,目前职业生涯已赚取亿元年薪;后卫德里克·威廉姆斯身高1.96米,体重93公斤,臂展2.03米,站立摸高2.65m,速度快,突破犀利,有潜力; 三、教练组 主教练Mauro won the national championship in his first season at Notre Dame and has been to three Final Fours (the last in 2015), but he is best known for his 25 years as an assistant coach with Duke University's legendary Coach K---in fact, until this year Coach Musselman took over the position of running the team that won back-to-back championships under Coach K. He is a great teacher of the game and his player development has made him one of the most sought after assistants in the business; Assistant Coach Matt Crotty was a member of the Irish coaching staff from 2002 to 2005, then spent four seasons on the staff at UMass before rejoining the Irish in 2014. Before coming to Notre Dame he coached at Stony Brook and Princeton, and prior to that was director of operations at Syracuse. A graduate of Colgate, he is well know for his defensive expertise; Assistant Coach Scott Funderburk played for the Irish from 1994 - 1998 and went on to have a short NBA career (with Dallas Mavericks and New Jersey Nets) after being drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks in the first round of the 1998 draft. He later returned to the school as a graduate assistant while working towards his degree in physical education.